Video production has become an essential tool for businesses and content creators alike. From marketing campaigns to educational content, videos help convey messages effectively and engage audiences. However, the process of creating high-quality videos can be complex and time-consuming.
Enter the “Hub Help Hero” model of video production, a framework designed to streamline the process and empower you to create outstanding videos with ease. In this blog post, we’ll explore what the Hub Help Hero Model is, how it works, and why it’s a game-changer in the world of video production.

Before we start, please watch the below video

Understanding the Help, Hub, and Hero Model:

The Help, Hub, and Hero model is a content strategy framework developed by YouTube that helps creators and marketers plan and produce videos with purpose and impact. Each component plays a distinct role:

Help Content:

This represents the foundation of your content strategy. Help content aims to address the everyday needs and questions of your target audience. It’s informative, practical, and designed to provide value. In the context of video production, this could include how-to videos, tutorials, and informative explainers.

Here are some animated explainer videos made by guch!


Hub Content:

Hub content is the steady heartbeat of your channel or content platform. It’s designed to maintain audience engagement and loyalty. These videos are less frequent than Help content but maintain a consistent presence. Hub content often includes series, vlogs, podcasts, customer testimonials and updates. 

Here are some testimonial videos made by guch!

Hero Content:

Hero content is your showstopper. These videos are designed to create buzz, generate excitement, and reach a broader audience. Hero content includes major campaigns, product launches, and high-profile events.

Here is a campaign video made by guch for Udaan.

Applying the Model to Video Production:

Now, let’s see how the Help, Hub, and Hero model can be seamlessly integrated into video production:

  1. Help Videos: Start with the basics. Create informative videos that address common pain points or questions related to your industry, product, or service. These videos establish your expertise, build trust, and attract a steady stream of viewers looking for solutions.
  2. Hub Videos: Hub videos maintain audience engagement and build a loyal following. Create a consistent schedule for releasing these videos, whether it’s weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly. Hub content can include behind-the-scenes glimpses, interviews with team members, or a series that resonates with your audience.
  3. Hero Videos: Hero videos are your flagship productions. These should be carefully planned and executed to make a significant impact. Think about major product launches, special events, or collaborations with influencers or industry leaders. Hero content should generate excitement and draw in a broader audience.

Why the Help, Hub, and Hero Model Works:

  1. Audience-Centric: This model is rooted in understanding and catering to the needs and preferences of your audience. It ensures that your content resonates and remains relevant.
  2. Consistency: Hub content keeps your audience engaged regularly, while Hero content creates memorable moments. The balance between these types of content creates a well-rounded content strategy.
  3. Scalability: The Help, Hub, and Hero model is scalable and adaptable to various industries and content types. It can be tailored to suit your unique goals and target audience.Hero Content: Hero content is your showstopper. These videos are designed to create buzz, generate excitement, and reach a broader audience.

Here is a section with the full list of video types under each category


Under the “Help” category of the Help, Hub, and Hero model for content strategy, various types of videos can be created to provide assistance, solve problems, and offer valuable information to your target audience. Some of the different types of Help videos include:

    1. How-to Guides/Tutorials: Step-by-step videos demonstrating how to use a product or complete a task.
    2. Educational/Instructional Videos: Videos that teach your audience about industry-specific topics, processes, or concepts.
    3. Troubleshooting/Problem-Solving Videos: Videos that address common issues or challenges your customers may encounter and provide solutions.
    4. FAQ Videos: Answer frequently asked questions in video format to make information easily accessible.
    5. Product Demonstrations: Showcase the features and benefits of your products or services.
    6. Safety/Instructional Videos: Videos that educate viewers on safety protocols, particularly relevant in industrial sectors.
    7. Tips and Tricks: Share expert tips, hacks, or best practices related to your industry or products.
    8. Comparison Videos: Compare your products or services with competitors, highlighting your strengths.
    9. Customer Testimonials/Reviews: Feature satisfied customers sharing their experiences with your products or services.
    10. Behind-the-Scenes Videos: Offer a glimpse into your company’s operations, manufacturing processes, or daily activities to build transparency and trust.
    11. Industry Insights: Share your knowledge about industry trends, news, and insights that can benefit your audience.
    12. Whiteboard/Explainer Videos: Use visual aids, such as whiteboards or animations, to simplify complex topics or concepts.
    13. DIY/How-to-Assemble Videos: Show customers how to assemble or install products they’ve purchased from your company.
    14. Best Practices Videos: Provide guidance on the most effective ways to use your products or services for optimal results.
    15. Customer Support Videos: Offer step-by-step instructions for contacting customer support, submitting inquiries, or troubleshooting common issues.


These videos are typically less frequent than Help content but are consistent and serve as a steady presence on your channel or content platform. Here are different types of Hub videos:

  1. Series Videos: Create a series of related videos that are released on a regular schedule, such as weekly or monthly. This keeps viewers coming back for more, expecting new installments.
  2. Vlogs (Video Blogs): Share behind-the-scenes glimpses of your company or personal life, providing a more personal connection with your audience.
  3. Updates and Announcements: Use videos to inform your audience about company news, product releases, or upcoming events.
  4. Interviews: Conduct interviews with industry experts, team members, or other relevant figures to provide insights and valuable content.
  5. Q&A Sessions: Host live or recorded question-and-answer sessions with your audience, addressing their queries or concerns.
  6. Tours and Walkthroughs: Give virtual tours of your facilities, products, or services to provide a deeper understanding of your offerings.
  7. Customer Spotlights: Showcase success stories or case studies of satisfied customers who have benefited from your products or services.
  8. Roundup/Recap Videos: Summarize important events, trends, or developments in your industry, offering a quick overview for your audience.
  9. Educational Insights: Share informative and educational content on industry-related topics, trends, or new technologies.
  10. Thought Leadership Talks: Share your expertise and insights on important industry issues, establishing your brand as a thought leader.
  11. Employee Profiles: Introduce team members, showcasing their roles, experiences, and contributions to the company.
  12. Throwback/Anniversary Videos: Celebrate milestones, anniversaries, or memorable moments in your company’s history.
  13. Product Showcases: Highlight specific products or services in detail, focusing on their unique features and benefits.
  14. Community Engagement: Share content related to your company’s involvement in the community, charitable activities, or social responsibility initiatives.
  15. Educational Webinars: Host webinars or live streaming sessions on topics of interest to your audience, allowing for real-time interaction and learning.


Within the “Hero” category of the Help, Hub, and Hero model for content strategy, Hero videos are designed to create excitement, generate buzz, and reach a broader audience. These videos are typically larger in scale and serve as flagship productions that make a significant impact. Here are different types of Hero videos:

      1. Product Launch Videos: Create captivating videos to introduce new products or services to the market, building anticipation and excitement among your audience.
      2. Major Campaigns: Develop high-budget advertising campaigns with a strong narrative and storytelling element to create a memorable brand image.
      3. Brand Storytelling Videos: Share the origin story and values of your company in an emotionally engaging way, connecting with viewers on a deeper level.
      4. Event Coverage: Capture and share highlights from industry events, conferences, or major company gatherings to showcase your company’s involvement and expertise.
      5. Collaborations: Partner with influencers, celebrities, or other brands to create joint promotional videos that leverage their audience and credibility.
      6. Big Announcements: Use videos to make major company announcements, such as mergers, acquisitions, or groundbreaking achievements.
      7. Cinematic Advertisements: Develop visually stunning, cinematic-style advertisements that leave a lasting impression on viewers.
      8. Holiday and Seasonal Campaigns: Create special videos tied to holidays or seasons that resonate with your audience’s emotions and values.
      9. Contests and Giveaways: Launch video-driven contests or giveaways to engage your audience and encourage participation.
      10. Customer Success Stories: Showcase exceptional customer success stories or transformations, emphasizing the positive impact of your products or services.
      11. Interactive Experiences: Develop interactive videos or experiences that allow viewers to engage with the content, making it more immersive and memorable.
      12. Teasers and Trailers: Build anticipation for upcoming releases, events, or campaigns by creating teaser or trailer videos that provide a sneak peek.
      13. Company Milestones: Celebrate significant company milestones, such as anniversaries or achievements, through visually compelling videos.
      14. Cause Marketing: Highlight your company’s involvement in social or environmental causes, showcasing your commitment to making a positive impact.
      15. Viral Challenges: Create video challenges or trends that encourage user participation and sharing, potentially going viral and reaching a broader audience.

The Help, Hub, and Hero model of content strategy revolutionizes video production by providing a structured and audience-centric approach. By incorporating Help, Hub, and Hero content into your video strategy, you can effectively engage your audience, build trust, and create exciting moments that drive your brand forward. Whether you’re a budding content creator or a seasoned marketer, this model has the power to transform your content strategy and take your video production to the next level.

Additional Reading

Create high quality testimonial videos at speed & scale
Udaan’s testimonial videos
HomeLane testimonial videos for Design Partners