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MOV BUZZ- Vol 4, March 2021

Notes nQuotes Nidhi Raj,Regional Marketing Manager,Tata Tele Business Services We’re moving from a brand perspective towards a customer-based approach.The drive and objectives…

MOV BUZZ- Vol 5, April 2021

‍ Notes n Quotes ‍ Archana Tiwari NayuduDirector – Content & Communications at upGrad ‍I think video as a medium demands a…

MOV BUZZ- Vol 1, December 2020

Words from the Host One’s best success comes after their greatest disappointments. HENRY WARD BEECHER,AMERICAN CONGREGATIONALISTA Pranav ChimulkarHost, MOV Podcast The entire…

MOV BUZZ- Vol 2, January 2021

Foreword Great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things brought together. And great things are not…

MOV BUZZ- Vol 3, February 2021

Notes nQuotes Read. Watch. Experience. Observe. Beyond awareness, we as a brandaspire to create affinity and the mostan effective, cost-efficient way to…